Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Summer is coming to a close..

Sadly, there are only a few more days of summer. School is starting pretty soon. Got the end- of summer- blues? Try this!

End of summer celebration for the day before school starts!

This is a tradition my sister and I have been doing for three years!

- Write a list of about 15 things that get you moving. (Ex: dancing, races, etc.) Then do them! Try to make them last through out the whole day. My sister and I do obstacle courses, races, sing, dance, squirt guns....the point is to cram as many fun things as you can do in one day before school starts.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Strawberry toes forever


Do you love strawberries?
Then this is a perfect tutorial for you.

I'm going to show you how to make your big toe look like a strawberry! I got this idea from a girl named Bubz who's on YouTube. She is amazing with makeup, nails, and hair! Check her YouTube channel out, you won't be's her strawberry video: CLICK HERE!

You will need:

Red nail polish
White nail polish
Green nail polish
Glittery nail polish
Top coat nail polish

1) Start with clean toe nails.
2) Paint all your nails red.
3) Now, on your big toes, make dots...then start rounding them and making them look like leaves.
4) Below the leaves, add white dots for the strawberries. Two or three look best.
5) On the leaves, add glittery nail polish. This makes them pop a little more.
6) Apply top coat on all nails.
7) Let dry.
8) LOVE!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Switched at Birth--New TV show review

Switched at Birth on ABC Family

This show is about two girls: Bay and Daphne. When they were born, the hospital made a mistake when putting on their ankle bracelets showing who's baby was who's.
16 years later..
Bay's family finds out. They look for the family that has their real daughter, and finds them. Bay and Daphne now have two families, and they're stuck trying to figure out what to do.
A show full of secrets, lies, relationships, and drama...Switched at Birth I strongly recommend.

Watch it every Monday on channel 39 (ABC Family) at 9 P.M.